Four tips to avoid people being fed up with your online meetings

Many people are fed up with online meetings even though they have become an essential part of collaboration in the "new normal". To avoid frustration be very conscious of the necessity when calling for a meeting. Let me explain ...

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Dealing with the challenges related to everyone working from home

Working from home poses several challenges. I am offering various tips from blogs I had written about remote /virtual work. Subjects covered are: Keeping motivation up Taking care of social cohesion Building resilience – your own and your team's Celebrating in the team What about technology?

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Advancing your leadership in the virtual world – Part 6 – Direction and Meaning

Strong intrinsic motivation is essential to virtual teams Direction and meaning are essential triggers, and a key competency for effective virtual leaders. With this post I am continuing the series as announced in the opening blog post 5 weeks ago:  I will present the fifth…

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Advancing your leadership in the virtual world – Part 5 – Intercultural Sensitivity

Leading teams spread across cultures requires intercultural sensitivity from their leaders Continuing the series of virtual leader competencies, I will present and share my experience on how you can develop intercultural sensitivity further to increase your effectiveness. The first 3 competencies, should you have missed…

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Advancing your leadership in the virtual world – Part 3 – Effective Communication

Leadership is mostly about communication. So, effective communication is also a key competency for virtual leaders. This is now post #3 of an 8-post-series on the subject after the introduction and the one on self-leadership. And today, I would like to present you the second…

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Advancing your leadership in the virtual world – Part 1 – Introduction

THE 7 key competencies which make you highly effective as a virtual leader Looking into larger organisations and how their structures have evolved over the past years I see the dispersion of functions and their teams across sites, national or global, as the norm.  As a response…

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High performance virtual teams by design – part I

My approach to team design to succeed with a virtual team Key factors for successful virtual teams: tips for management and leadership - part I The foundation for high performance virtual teams lies in the selection of team members and the design of the team.…

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How I boosted engagement in my dispersed teams – Part I

The ingredients for a compelling vision As mentioned many times before, organisations are getting highly dispersed. One of the biggest risks in dispersed organisations is that members are far less engaged than in co-located organisational units. Over and over again this challenge surfaces in conversations…

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Launch of Virtual Leaders Lounge

Join free informal exchange with other leaders on topics relevant for you We offer you a unique place for interaction with leaders from other businesses to interact in an informal way and get new perspectives. This helps you to meet new people and discuss challenges…

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