Honestly, how often did you come back from a training course and thought “I have heard that before”?
It is human nature that we have accumulated a wealth of knowledge and experience which is stored somewhere in our brain and we know what should be done. That’s what most of the coaching models building on: mobilizing the subconscious knowledge we all have.
Paul Morgan is aiming to do exactly that with his book „Managing Yourself – coach yourself to optimum emotional intelligence“. Trained as sports psychologist he coached teams in the English and Irish Rugby League. He developed highly successful distance learning programmes.
Morgan does not make unrealistic promises about the book’s purpose. Neither does he take off in to an esoteric maze where readers get lost. He opens the subject of emotional intelligence (EQ in contrast to IQ) to a lay person in an easy to understandable and applicable way. When he talks about the importance of emotional intelligence for leaders he refers back to the work of Daniel Goleman and Richard Boyatzis.
Throughout the book he uses some self analysis tools which help readers to gain insights and find starting points for further development of their EQ. Case studies, examples and recommendations point to ways through which readers can develop themselves to achieve a higher level of EQ and hence become a more effective leader in their professional live.
Some of my clients bought the book and used it complementary to our coaching conversations. They were all very positive about it. I think it also accelerated their development in the course of our coaching. However, the book is also suitable as a self study tool and will help readers to develop themselves.
Theme: Emotional Intelligence, Personal Development
Author: Dr. Paul Morgan
Publisher: Pearson Professional Education Momentum